WE ARE ASKING: WHO: OPEN TO WOMEN ALL OVER THE WORLD. For women and men, as to live and work in balance we both must learn and participate.
WHY: Native American Grandmothers and Aunties will be opening their hearts, thoughts and spirits to your needs and offering you methods that can help you gain strength and wisdom for the struggles of life. We need, as women to come together for the sake of Mother Earth. We need each other for strength and fortitude to combat the lack of support for clean water. We are “THE LIFE GIVERS” our responsibilities go deep and we are looked upon to maintain life in all forms. We provide life for the future and we make sure life continues, just as Mother Earth does. NIBI (WATER) IS LIFE! The Mother Earth Waterwalkers have brought us a great and important message. They walked miles and miles to deliver this message to us. We can add to it by making a unified statement to the world that we are going to make this better by strengthening the clean water laws, for the future of mankind. Our children! Our Grandchildren! Great Grandchildren! and beyond! THEY, the LIFE OF THE FUTURE, CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT CLEAN WATER. WHAT DO WE DO: We do all that we can! Women and Water Coming Together is brought forth by Abiinooji Aki, a non-profit organization located on the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation in Northern Wisconsin. Abiinooji Aki, Inc. has a long history of providing cultural teachings to the communities and groups we work with. |